Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Just a few thoughts

I am sitting here supposedly working. My supervisor has come through the room several times bidding Charlotte (co-worker) and me to "go slow." Our budget was sliced by the county, so there is not as much money for ordering materials; therefore, the librarians are spreading out their orders. In doing so, our work load in Tech Services is down. There is only one cart of materials awaiting processing....and it is not even half full. So...to slow my time down, I check CNN news several times a day; check the Mitford BB several times; and, now, I decided to come here and jot down a few things.

Last Saturday, Dave and I babysat for my little great-nephew. He's 13 months old, and such a bundle of cuteness! He was in a great mood and lots of fun. He really took to Dave...Dave making funny faces and voices at him probably drew T. to him. Dave loved it, too. Sometimes, when I am having fun with him, it makes me think that I didn't take every possible opportunity to enjoy my boys when they were little as I should have; even though I do realize that being "mama" you have all the work and all the worries of bring up a child. As a babysitter, you just don't. Guess I just miss mine being little. I wanted to post a picture of him, but am only going to post one not showing his face (for privacy sake.)

We really do enjoy him. So glad that God blessed our family with him.

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