Saturday, November 15, 2008

1st Week of Highway Patrol Training

Matt came home last night after his first week at highway patrol school...actually, it was only 3 days this week, since he started Wednesday. He was prepared for it to be tough, but he said it was much harder than he had thought it would be. Three guys have already dropped out. He said it was grueling physically. At one point, they had to stand at attention for two hours straight (a couple of people fainted). If you felt faint, you could sit down; but, if you did, the instructors ragged you about it. There is this huge dude leading their physical fitness part. When doing push-ups, once they had bent their arms with face to the floor, he made them hold it for several minutes...and they had to do it over and over. They were doing a run (can't remember length of the run) and ds's calf cramped....he did not stop, though he did slow down some. A trooper hollered and asked why he slowed...he answered that he had a cramp...but he persevered and continued on. The instructors get right in their faces and holler at them...also cursing at them and calling them names. One will do it, and then the others will feed off of them. Major intimidation. When they go eat, they have to line up in formation, and march in like they are in a drill....doing some kind of sharp turn-thing with their feet every time they have to turn. It is very intense. I think one of the hardest things (not including the physical part) for ds has been not to show emotion...and not to laugh when these instructors start to hollering at someone. Now you have to understand, Matt is a bit of a goof, and full of some of this stuff strikes him funny, even if he is the one getting the unwanted attention. At any rate, it's going to be a long 7 months!

If anybody reads this, if you lift him in prayer, his mama would really appreciate it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know I am praying for our boy.

I just can't imagine him doing this, but I think he will persevere and be a really good State Trooper.

May God watch over him and give him strength.
