I have posted on a bulletin board for seven years. Recently a heated subject came up again...for the upteenth time. When this subject comes up...every time... very sharp opinions along with scripture are given even though the posters know that people have family members that are affected by the subject and they are hurt. This time, I decide to PM some of the people that have given such strong opinions. The point of the PM was to ask them to think, and have compassion for the people that would be affected, before posting comments. It didn't go over well at all. I was publically accused of telling one person "categorically that the word of God and my opinion on certain topics are unwanted and unwarranted." That was not true. I did suggest that there was a time and a place to offer the scripture that alluded to the subject.
Well, today, I was thinking about that BB, and was wondering when I last posted. I did a search by my name, but failed to find that. I remembered the last thread on which I posted, so I did a search for that...and found it. I also found that several more posts had been added since my last one. I ended up at the end of that thread when I actually found it...and learned that I was accused of being a hate monger. The originator of the thread was advised, "don't listen to a "hate monger." Plus, don't let it influence you about the Porch either! AND if this person wished to PM me regarding this matter, I'm waiting to hear from her since I will tell her to leave the good people of this Porch alone!" Wow! I've never been called such a terrible thing before! I don't even know what to think. I guess I don't express myself very well to have been on a board for such a long time and to give this impression. It makes me very sad. :(