Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Here are pictures of Dave and of Paul Newman. For years people have stopped Dave and asked him, "Has anyone ever told you that you look like Paul Newman?" Well, yeah! Hasn't happened in a while...until today. Something was said about Paul Newman's recent passing and Charlotte piped up and said, " I saw a picture of Paul Newman the other day, and you know what? Dave looks like him." I told her, that, yes, we had heard that before. I only wish I had a picture of Dave's uncle, David. Now HE really looks like Paul Newman!


Martha said...

Yes, Dave looks like Paul Newman. Wow, it's uncanny how much! p.s., Thanks for the award :).

Ellyn said...

We are going to have to start calling you "Joanne".
Your hubby is VERY handsome and yes; he does look like Mr. Newman!
Lucky you.

Kelly said...

Oh my , does he ever look like Mr. Newman(God rest His soul)
My hubby has always been told he looks like Billy Crystal except now he has less hair than Billy! ha!!
~Kelly Maria