Saturday, September 20, 2008



Anna said...

Oh! YUM!!!

Pink Princess said...

No Agnes didn't make the wreath herself, she is not THAT crafty, lol!!
But it is pretty none the less!!

Hugs from Marian

Kelly said...

Came by to invite you to my Autumn Give Away!
Beautiful Blessings~Kelly

Martha said...

Hello Friend! Yes, I've been lurking on your blog too and kinda keeping up with you and Pat. I'm glad you stopped by mine today. I still occasionally read the Mitford board but don't post either. I got out of the habit and it's hard to get back to it. Don't even know if I want to or not. Say hello to Pat and give her my blog addy also. It's so good to hear from you. Stay in touch and I will continue reading about your life :). Love the acorn eating dog! Love you, Martha