Sunday, October 12, 2008


Dave and I didn't leave for church at the same time this morning. I left earlier to go to Sunday school, but Dave was only going to worship service, so he left at a later time. After service, I needed to speak to my co-Sunday school teacher, so I stayed a bit after Dave left.

When I drove up in our driveway and parked my car, I saw Dave (still in his Sunday clothes) with a bucket in his hand over in the "field" above the donkey/horse pasture. Then I noticed the smoke!!
I shouted to him, "What's wrong?" He answered that the hot wire had broken loose and caught the grass on fire. A large area had burned, with only the perimeter still burning. Dave doused what flames there were with water.

All the excitement and running around gave Dave a big adrenalin serge and his heart began beating really, really fast. After eating some ice, and taking it easy, it finally slowed down to a normal rate. While he rested, I walked around the field raking the area to ensure that there weren't any hidden hot spots. Then I sat out there on a log in the shade and just watched it for a while.

What a blessing! The fire stayed in that area--no trees caught fire--it didn't go towards any building--it didn't go into the pasture and harm/frighten the animals. Thank you, Jesus!!


Martha said...

Hi Ellen, I couldn't get my slide show to work at first either just by copying and pasting the html...kept getting an error message. I went back to my slideshow and rather than doing a copy/paste, I clicked on "share"; it's one of the little blue links along with "edit", etc. That gives you the opportunity to log in directly to your blog and it posts it automatically then. Hope I've made sense. I had a lot of trial and error in getting it to work but finally was easy when I clicked on the "share" link.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I'm so glad that it wasn't much worse.

applesofgold said...

I am so glad that we have God looking out for us. Praising Him that kept him safe and that the fire wasn't any worse.

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about this ever since you told me last night. I still wonder if that stranger that was parked near the pasture before church had anything to do with the wire coming loose. The timing is so incredible.

Thanks for getting the tickets for us...Wowser...I forgot to put the check in the mail box....tomorrow..


Anna said...

Oh... I am so glad that everything turned out alright. That must have been so scary. Praising God that all is alright.