Monday, November 17, 2008

The Greatest Commandment

I borrowed this from my friend, Marian's blog...I loved it so much.
Marian, I hope you don't mind.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

1st Week of Highway Patrol Training

Matt came home last night after his first week at highway patrol school...actually, it was only 3 days this week, since he started Wednesday. He was prepared for it to be tough, but he said it was much harder than he had thought it would be. Three guys have already dropped out. He said it was grueling physically. At one point, they had to stand at attention for two hours straight (a couple of people fainted). If you felt faint, you could sit down; but, if you did, the instructors ragged you about it. There is this huge dude leading their physical fitness part. When doing push-ups, once they had bent their arms with face to the floor, he made them hold it for several minutes...and they had to do it over and over. They were doing a run (can't remember length of the run) and ds's calf cramped....he did not stop, though he did slow down some. A trooper hollered and asked why he slowed...he answered that he had a cramp...but he persevered and continued on. The instructors get right in their faces and holler at them...also cursing at them and calling them names. One will do it, and then the others will feed off of them. Major intimidation. When they go eat, they have to line up in formation, and march in like they are in a drill....doing some kind of sharp turn-thing with their feet every time they have to turn. It is very intense. I think one of the hardest things (not including the physical part) for ds has been not to show emotion...and not to laugh when these instructors start to hollering at someone. Now you have to understand, Matt is a bit of a goof, and full of some of this stuff strikes him funny, even if he is the one getting the unwanted attention. At any rate, it's going to be a long 7 months!

If anybody reads this, if you lift him in prayer, his mama would really appreciate it!

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Matt and I went shopping for things that he will have to take with him to the highway patrol academy next Wednesday. Things like: 9 pair of brief underware (had to buy all new, because he wears boxers!); 8 crew neck white undershirts (he has always worn V neck, so had to buy all new); 6 pair black cotton socks; 8 pair white crew socks; shoe shine kit; medicated or talcum powder; vitamins; a white laundry bag; rain coat; a black hoody (with no markings on it); a black toboggan (with no markings); brown work gloves....all that adds up to a goodly amount of money. Add 3 nights spent in a hotel in Raleigh; gas to and from Raleigh 3 times; gas to Yanceyville and back twice for interviews (most of these trips during the gas hike); and a trip to see some officer in has cost a pretty penny to get him into this class.

I had him stop by Hobby Lobby (could I resist when I was going right by there!?) When we came out, we say Mitch and Ellen drive up. Matt called him, and he came over and visited while Ellen went on in the store. They hadn't seen one another in months. He and Ellen are planning to get married in the spring, they think May. I am so glad. As Dave says, "that baby needs a mama and a daddy" speaking of their baby boy. May God bless them in their relationship.

Monday, November 3, 2008

I need to keep my eye on Him

Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heaven and home,When Jesus is my portion? My constant friend is He:His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

I sing because I’m happy,I sing because I’m free,For His eye is on the sparrow,And I know He watches me.

“Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear,And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears;Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see;His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.


Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.


Now....I must remember to keep MY eye on Him!!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Great weekend!

The Women of Faith conference was held in Greensboro this weekend. Oh, what a treat!
Patsy and I hadn't preordered tickets, and when I mentioned several weeks ago something about going, she (and I) didn't want to pay the price of the tickets at $75.00 apiece...especially since at that late date, we would probably be up in the rafters. About a week ago one of my church friends asked if I had tickets for it, and I explained the able to her. She said that she had a conflict and wouldn't be able to attend....and would sell her pre-bought $45.00 ticket for $40.00. Another person in the church had a set, too, that we could buy. So, we bought them!!

The theme this year was Infinite Grace. Mary Graham, the president of WOF, who usually does all of the introduction of the speakers, was taking a break (was there, but not active.) Lisa Welchel, who played Blair Warner on The Facts of Life, filled in for Mary.

Patsy and I arrived around 6PM for Friday night's program that began at 7 PM. We were the first to arrive in our assigned section. It wasn't long, though, until Nancy, the woman who had ordered all our tickets arrived. She had a gift of hand cream and hand sanitizer for each of us. Soon, others from my church arrived; Kathy, Melinda, Rita, Margaret, Trudy, Joan and Donna, then a little later, Sheila, Mickey, and Debbie. The Women of Faith Worship team opened the program with several inspirational songs. Lisa then introduced each speaker with most of them giving just a small foretaste of what they were going to present to the audience at a later time. They included Patsy Clairmont, Marilyn Meberg, Sheila Walsh, Allison Allen, Sandi Patty, Nicole C. Mullen, Louise Duart, Natalie Grant, and Anita Renfroe. Longer presentations were given by both Sheila Walsh and Natalie Grant...with her sing several songs and Sheila expounding on her topic....praying. She voiced how pray does not have to be a bunch of pretty words, or formality...but one just needs to talk to God...that's all He wants for us to do...just talk to Him. Around 10 the program wound down. Our group gathered in a closing prayer offered by Donna.

Saturday morning, Patsy and I headed out, stopping by McDonald's for a bit of breakfast.

Patsy Clairmont was her usually ball of energy and was a delight. Marilyn Meberg gave a moving talk on abandonment. Braving traffic and parking, we finally arrived back at our seats. Patsy Clairmont was the first to speak. She was her usually ball of bursting energy. I just knew I would remember what each one spoke about...but for the life of me, I can't remember her topic.

Marilyn Meberg gave a wonderful, humor filled talk on the sad subject of abandonment. We each have felt this despairing emotion whether the abandonment was a voluntary abandonment or an involuntary one. She ended with the reminder of the One who would never leave or forsake matter what.

Allison Allen preformed several sketches that were written by Nicole Johnson.

Sandi Patty's talk about our wrapping ourselves in layers though our lifetime...layers of guilt, pain and shame...and allowing God to remove those layers to allow us to become the women God planned for us to become. Plus she belted out sever wonderful songs.

Nicole C. Mullen...what can I say!! She, alone, was worth what we paid to get in! She sang Redeemer; Black, White, Tan; Witness; Come Unto Me and Brainwash...may have been more, but that's all I can recall right now. Talk about an energize powerhouse! She sang with her entire being... a theatrical singer/dancer. Team NCM joined her for several numbers. Great job!

Anita Renfroe actually only spoke on Friday night. She sang her The Mom Song ( )a wonderfully funny whatmomssayallday to the tune of William Tell Overture. She also did a funny one called Before I eat

Louise Duart, a talented impressionist told her story of how God used a broken dream and a broken marriage despite the fact that at times it seemed He had perhaps forgotten her. She laced her entire program with great impressions of George Burns, Joan Rivers, Carol Burnette, Edith Bunker, Hilary Clinton and Cher...among others.

The evening was closed with song by Natalie Grant.

All-in-all a great weekend. Looking forward to next year's WOF conference.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

He received the call

For the past seven months, Matt has been working on applying to the NC State Highway Patrol. The process takes such a long time (I've decided that they are giving a lesson on patience ;( ).Once he contacted them, he received a huge packet of forms that he had to fill out and send back. Once all the packet material was processed and references checked, he had to go to Raleigh for two tests; a written one, and a physical fitness one. The scores on both of those were combined and averaged...he scored a 160 out of 200 points. Then he waited...and waited...and waited. After a bit more time passed, he received a call instructing him to return to Raleigh for a polygraph test. A bit more time lapsed, and he was contacted and scheduled to have a one-on-one interview with a trooper (a Sergeant) in Yanceyville. This was a fairly long session, and more questions asked similar to what was on the polygraph. This officer called our house and interviewed Dave per phone. Dave asked him what he thought Matt's chances were, and the guy answered that he thought Matt would make a good trooper. Another wait ensued, when he was given another one-on-one interview with another trooper (this time a 1st Sergeant.) Both of those went well. After that, he was instructed to return to Raleigh for a medical physical. Next came a psychological evaluation. This involved a questionnaire of 900+ questions along with questioning by a psychologist. After that...wait...wait...wait...

Today the waiting ended. He received a call from headquarters telling offering him a position in the next class to start November 12, and was told that he would be assigned to Dare County once his training was complete. Did he want to accept? He answered yes.

I am so proud of him. It has been a long hard road. Originally out of approximately 600 applicants, 59 were to be chosen for the class. To be one of the 59, one had to pass each test, pass all interviews, and pass the polygraph. Of all that passed everything, the average grade scored in that very first test was considered. The ones that scored the highest were to be the ones chosen. Today, the officer told Matt that because of state budget cuts, the patrol was only offering the class to 48 applicants rather than 59....that they would only be filling retiree positions and not instituting any new positions (one reason they couldn't offer him anyplace closer to home.) So out of 600 or so people, he was chosen to be one of 48.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's October and It's Nearly Halloween

My most memorial Halloween costume was the one I had when I was eight years old. My mother designed it and created it for me with no pattern. She used a heavy, off-white brocade type drapery material to make a medieval style dress. The scoop-necked bodice was fitted to the waist. The long skirt was gathered a bit at the waist then flaired out. The long sleeves where full to the elbow, then tightly fitted (had zippers from elbow to wrist.) Using the same material, she covered a crown that she had made out of cardboard. Then she fixed a f aux diamond necklace to around the top edge decorate the crown. My hair was really long, so she swept it up in some kind of bun on my head so that the crown nestled around the bun. A teenaged neighbor came over and "did" my face....eye shadow, mascara and a bit of blush....I felt just like a princess!

Of course, I loved it then; but, now I appreciate all the love and work that went into it. Alas, I have no idea what ever happened to it, and we had no camera at the time, so I have no picture of it....only the one in my memory.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

God bless all the babies and children and the empty hearts they left behind.

Today (October 15) is the National Day of Remembrance for pregnancy and infant loss.

Bless those, O God,
Whose arms are empy
And whose hearts are full
Of memories unmade.

Bless those, O God,
Who long for the hugs
Who long for the kisses
Of those babies now living with You.

You might like to check out the website linked below

Monday, October 13, 2008

A curious horse in the dusk of the evening

When I was walking behind the pasture taking the pictures of the charred ground, Lightning became curious at what I was doing.

Burned area

A few views of the charred ground.

This area is the closest to a wooded area.

Here you can see most of the length of the burn.
It spans about 20 yards long. Some places it is about
4 feet wide, at other places, it's about 8 feet wide.

Just another view.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Dave and I didn't leave for church at the same time this morning. I left earlier to go to Sunday school, but Dave was only going to worship service, so he left at a later time. After service, I needed to speak to my co-Sunday school teacher, so I stayed a bit after Dave left.

When I drove up in our driveway and parked my car, I saw Dave (still in his Sunday clothes) with a bucket in his hand over in the "field" above the donkey/horse pasture. Then I noticed the smoke!!
I shouted to him, "What's wrong?" He answered that the hot wire had broken loose and caught the grass on fire. A large area had burned, with only the perimeter still burning. Dave doused what flames there were with water.

All the excitement and running around gave Dave a big adrenalin serge and his heart began beating really, really fast. After eating some ice, and taking it easy, it finally slowed down to a normal rate. While he rested, I walked around the field raking the area to ensure that there weren't any hidden hot spots. Then I sat out there on a log in the shade and just watched it for a while.

What a blessing! The fire stayed in that area--no trees caught fire--it didn't go towards any building--it didn't go into the pasture and harm/frighten the animals. Thank you, Jesus!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Just bloggin' a note

I emailed a friend yesterday about how much I like the fall season. Well, I really's my favorite season. But today is blah. It is overcast, damp an dreary.

I awakened when Dave got up this AM at 5, I had a headache. I shoulda gotten up and taken something right then, but didn't....just didn't want to get up. So when my alarm went off, I still had the headache. I did take something for it then; but also by then, I felt a little woozy and nauseated when I arose. So I called to the office and told them that I wouldn't be there today unless I started feeling better. I laid back down for a while to let the medicine "take hold." When I arose later, the headache, though not entirely gone, was better. I put some coffee on to brew. A thread on the Mitford BB about oatmeal made me want some oatmeal. So....I mixed half Quaker Quick Oats and half oat bran for a change, and put a big squirt of Smart Squeeze and 3 packs of Splenda in it. It was really creamy and satisfying. Of course, it would've been better with real butter and real sugar...but it was still good.

Mason wants some wet food...make me ill, because he will only lick out all the gravy and not eat the meat. Weird cat!! I have to feed it to him in the bathroom so the dog won't chase him away from it and eat it all himself. So, I think I will go get Mason some food and let him eat in the bathroom while I take a shower. Then Claw can have whatever Mason leaves after his gravy-licking.

Then maybe I will even feel like heading off to work.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Good weekend

Patsy at Cameron.

Me at Cameron.

I had a really good weekend. I left Friday evening about 6:45 PM and arrived about 9 PM or a bit after. Anna and Monika were there. Anna gave me a big ol' hug...and they said she had been anxious for me to get there. Anna wanted to sleep with me, so I had a little buddy for the night.
Saturday morning, once we were all up, dressed, etc. Patsy and I took off to the antique fair in Cameron. It was a perfect day for it. Bright and sunny....a little bit hot, but still pleasant. We browsed and browsed through table after table and tent after tent of antiques and collectibles. There was a choice of food venders at various places. We chose a place run by some church. Both of us had a barbecue plate that included a generous portion of chopped pork barbecue, slaw, baked beans and hush puppies. It was Southern all the way...and delicious!! After eating, we walked and browsed all the way down one side of the street running through the middle of the town. Patsy's back started hurting really badly, so we worked our way towards this one store that has a large porch with several chairs available for customers to sit and rest. She had a seat there for a while and began to feel a bit better. So we mozied over to a quick stop where she purchased some Ibuprofen. After she took a dose of that, she was soon feeling even better, so we headed up the other side of the street. Patsy bought a really pretty sterling silver and peridot bracelet, a ring, and a soy candle. My purchases included a bargain....a Jewel Tea pitcher for $12.00...they usually are in the $50.00 range! I also bought an old stoneware bowl...brown with some off-white flowers, and an old watch with a silver and onyx band. We both agreed we were about worn out and were ready to head back to her house. When we arrived back there, we found that Monika had bought a pizza from Brooklyn Pizza, so that's what we had for supper. So good!!

My bargain!!

Brown bowl.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Way to go, Sarah!!

Way to go, Sarah!!! Good debate.

Poor Claw

First picture is Claw. Second one is Jack.

This little fellow is Claw, a 15 year old feisty little terrier mix that has been a part of our family since he was a wee little pup. His hearing is almost totally gone and he limps around on arthritic limbs. He's also a bit of a grumpy old man at times. All of the white in the picture use to be black.

Well, yesterday Dave and Craig were eating a chicken sandwich outdoors. Claw and another of our dogs named Jack (a Plott Hound who normally has a gentle, humble nature) were sitting/ walking around them...hoping a morsel would fall in their direction. Neither Dave nor Craig know exactly what happened...but something sure did! Somehow or other Claw jumped on Jack's back...and fell off. Jack took affront and retaliated. He grabbed Claw by the head and was shaking him around like a rag doll. Dave was able to get them apart, but not before damage had been done. There was a quarter-sized chunk out of Claw's head between his left eye and left ear and his neck was bleeding heavily. Craig retrieved a towel to press against the bleeding areas, and off they went to the vet. When they arrived at our regular vet, Dave sat in the car with the bleeding dog, while Craig went inside to get help. Once the gal finally looked up from her computer, Craig told her what happened. She called for a vet tech to come out. They told Craig and Dave that the vet was prepping for surgery and could not come out!! (She couldn't stop for a moment to check this dog!?) They also were told that the other vet in town was not at his office. Soooo...they headed for Reidsville to get help. After about a 15-20 minute drive, they arrived at the Reidsville Vet. and were immediately taken to an examining room. Claw was kept over night to assess his wounds. Dave was able to pick Claw up this afternoon. After blood work, xrays, sutures, drains inserted in two areas...his neck, and his lower back...medications, etc....$475.00 worth!! Claw is home. He hurts; attested to by his moaning and the way he moves. But he is alive, thanks to Dave's quick thinking.

NO MORE EATING around these two.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Here are pictures of Dave and of Paul Newman. For years people have stopped Dave and asked him, "Has anyone ever told you that you look like Paul Newman?" Well, yeah! Hasn't happened in a while...until today. Something was said about Paul Newman's recent passing and Charlotte piped up and said, " I saw a picture of Paul Newman the other day, and you know what? Dave looks like him." I told her, that, yes, we had heard that before. I only wish I had a picture of Dave's uncle, David. Now HE really looks like Paul Newman!

Picking Five Blogs

Oh, Wow! I received an award! Kelly, belle âme, chose me to recieve this award.

Thank you, Kelly!

There are rules for this award ~1. There are only five people allowed.

2. Four have to be dedicated followers of your blog. (I have NO idea who regulary follows my blog or how "dedicated " they are to it. So, I have taken the liberty just choosing 5 bloggers that I know.

3. One has to be a new follower of your blog, or live in another part of the world.

I choose... (my out of country one)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008


I found these two angels in an antique store yesterday. The top one is a hanging angel that is about 4 inches tall. The second doesn't hang. That one is only about 2 inches tall. Both are pretty old.


I should be on my way to church, but here I sit. I love going to church and worshiping. I really think that D.M. is a good pastor and can bring a wonderful message from the Lord. But he yells. I detest being around people that yell. It was obvious that I wasn't getting ready for church this morning, and Dave asked me if I wasn't going. I answered, "No, I just don't feel like being yelled at today." That is my sentiment from the heart. I told Dave that one can be passionate about what they are saying without can make a grand point....without yelling. He knows that I don't like to be around loud people. His own family for example. I've always felt included and cared about by them from the first. But you get all of them together and they are LOUD! There have been many times when we were all together...with all of them raising their voice to be heard above the other...and I just would leave the room and find a quiet sanctuary in the house. I think that is what it is with D.M. 's doesn't feel like a sanctuary from live. Now I realize that sermons don't have to be "make you feel good" sermons....and frankly, we need sermons that build us into the sons and daughters that God wants us to be; but, for me...that needs to NOT include yelling. What do do...sigh....

Saturday, September 27, 2008

New Chickie

I had to go to Reidsville today to remove my jewelry from the display that was there for the month of September. Dave decided to go with me, so we first stopped by and browsed through a couple of antique stores. I found this adorable Fitz & Floyd hen that I just HAD to have! Isn't she lovely?

New jewelry

I've made a couple new sets that I like for Fall.
One is Autumn Pumpkins

This one can really be worn any time, but I wear more
purple in the Fall and Winter.

Friday, September 26, 2008

It's Friday!

It's Friday! Craig called last night and he's coming home this weekend!! He has some time coming to him and he's going to take it this week. That's nice 'cause Dave is off this week, too. Matt has to be in Raleigh Monday at 7:30 AM for the physical at the Highway Patrol training center. So we are going to go down Sunday evening and spend the night. Craig might want to go, too, just for the trip to Raleigh. Hopefully, the physical won't take too long and we can have a little shopping around time. We'll see.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Halloween jewelry

Got some new beads in that I ordered. I just had to make up a couple of items last night. Here's my new Halloween earrings and bracelet....
I love the Jack-0-lantern earrings!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Whoa.. I don't know what to think...

I have posted on a bulletin board for seven years. Recently a heated subject came up again...for the upteenth time. When this subject comes up...every time... very sharp opinions along with scripture are given even though the posters know that people have family members that are affected by the subject and they are hurt. This time, I decide to PM some of the people that have given such strong opinions. The point of the PM was to ask them to think, and have compassion for the people that would be affected, before posting comments. It didn't go over well at all. I was publically accused of telling one person "categorically that the word of God and my opinion on certain topics are unwanted and unwarranted." That was not true. I did suggest that there was a time and a place to offer the scripture that alluded to the subject.

Well, today, I was thinking about that BB, and was wondering when I last posted. I did a search by my name, but failed to find that. I remembered the last thread on which I posted, so I did a search for that...and found it. I also found that several more posts had been added since my last one. I ended up at the end of that thread when I actually found it...and learned that I was accused of being a hate monger. The originator of the thread was advised, "don't listen to a "hate monger." Plus, don't let it influence you about the Porch either! AND if this person wished to PM me regarding this matter, I'm waiting to hear from her since I will tell her to leave the good people of this Porch alone!" Wow! I've never been called such a terrible thing before! I don't even know what to think. I guess I don't express myself very well to have been on a board for such a long time and to give this impression. It makes me very sad. :(

Some Ram Dumb Things About Me

I just found the blog of a friend via another's blog. I was so excited to find it...Martha, I'm talking about you!
She had a list of random things about herself...thought I'd give it a sho

  • I've always loved curly hair and wished I had I do thanks to chemicals!
  • I always wanted a houseful of kids (only had 2 though)
  • When I was very little, I told my mama that I was going to have 10 babies when I grew up and was going to give one to her so that she wouldn't be lonely (she told me that I could keep it and raise it myself and I cried because it hurt my feelings that she wouldn't want it)
  • When I was a little girl, I would pick up and love on any cat that I came across
  • I disliked! hated! abhorred! school as a child
  • I thought I was "dumb" growing up, due mostly to the fact that I had a learning difference (that wasn't even recognized back then) and was never given much encouragement by my teachers
  • I found out I was actually pretty smart when I was in nursing school and found that I really loved learning
  • I do not like parties
  • I am a true introvert
  • I enjoy talking to people one-on-one; but usually in a group will be relatively silent
  • I miss my kids being little boys
  • I enjoy the challenge of following the Weight Watcher's plan and figuring out something that I can eat that I will really enjoy
  • I have to have some kind of treat every day....a cookie, or ice cream or something... to succeed in doing the WW plan
  • I am really glad that I have a sister
  • I decorate my kitchen with roosters and chickens...and have over 55 items related to them in that one room
  • I really don't like politics at all
  • My favorite authors are Jan Karon, Karen Kingsbury, Francine Rivers, & Penelope Stokes
  • Most all of the music I listen to is contemporary Christian music
  • Other musicians I like that are not Christian are Joshua Bell (love his violin playing!) and Secret Garden

Check out this.....

her link is

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Autumn is here

Autumn is finally arrived. My favorite time of the year. I love when the days turn crisp and the nights chilly. I love the bounty of colors as the trees put on their Fall Display. I haven't decorated for Fall in a good many years...just sort of got out of doing it for some reason. I was in W/M this morning to pick up a couple of things and I passed through their Autumn items. A spray of grapevine and fall-colored flowers struck my fancy as I passed it. So, I decided , why not? Ended up getting a couple of candles to go with it. Here it is on my mantle.

After putting that out. I decided to dig out an old Jack'o'lantern that I made in ceramics over 30 years ago; plus a chicken planter (it has candy in it now.) That probably about all I will do.

Friday, September 19, 2008

If you click the poem, it will enlarge and you can read it.

Feeling sad and selfish

I just found out tonight that my niece and her little family have made an offer on a house. They now life about 35-40 minutes away from me....the nearest relatives to me, other than my husband and younger son. The house they made an offer for is about an hour and 15 minutes away. Where they are now, I can easily go and babysit for them on occasion....that won't be much of an option if they move. I know it is selfish of me, but it really makes me sad.

I guess knowing that Matt will probably be moving on soon...and that fact that Craig lives so far away just makes more poignant. I hate my loved ones being so far away.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I received this Autumn Friendship Award from Marian today.
What a neat way to start the Autumn season!

A funny thing today

I arrived home from work a little bit ago and always...greeted by the dogs. Well, Jack kept jumping up to a branch of an big old oak tree. Then he would run over to the porch. I finally realized what he was doing. He was jumping up and picking an acorn, then taking it over to the porch to eat it!

I took a couple of pictures. He's fast, so they are kind of blurry...but so funny! to see a dog pick acorns and eat them!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11, 2001

Monday, September 1, 2008

Children's visits

I absolutely LOVE for Craig to come home for a visit!!

But I so don't like when he leaves! I get so sad "cause I don't know when I'll see him again. :(

Today was chicken day

Well, today while Dave was outside washing the Harleys, Matt was at work, and Craig was still sleeping; I began washing chickens and roosters. Once I started, I didn't want to quite, so I washed and rearranged them all.

As I wash each one, I remember who gave it to me; or where I was when I bought it; or haw I came to have it. Dave gave me several of the old ones. Several chicken/rooster items Patsy or Judy gave me.

As much as I don't enjoy housework, I enjoyed doing this.

Monday, August 25, 2008


I like snaggle-toothed kids! I think those snaggled smiles are so cute. Kind of sad, too, because it is marking the end of an era of their lives.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Children's stories/book

artist A. Weisgerber

In the past few years concerns have been voiced by "those concerned" about magic & wizardry in books such as in books such as the Harry Potter series and various others. Well, I just finished processing a very easy edition of Hansel & Gretel. Of course, it is a fairytale that I know very well from my childhood. I had this particular copy in hand. In this particular edition, one page is written in a small font with a fair number of lines, intended for the parent to read. The next page is written in a larger font with only a couple of lines, intended for a beginning reader to read. I was flipping through looking at the illustrations. I reached the part where the witch instructs Gretel to "Just poke your head inside the (oven) door!" The next page reads, :Gretel gave her a great big push! She pushed the witch right into the oven! Then she shut the huge iron door! And that was teh end of that old witch."

Granted it is a mean ol' witch...but Gretel just murdered her! Was it self-defense? Perhaps so...but we still just taught a kid that it's okay to kill somebody!!

Our parents never screamed ill over this, and these type of fairy tales. Interesting contrast to me.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

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These beauties abounded around a big ol' oke tree in my yard at the close of last summer. I sure hope "they" come back again this year!